The fourth thing that you Country Email List need is an autoresponder. An autoresponder is a bit of software that does everything for you in terms of business email list Country Email List building and then managing your list. Awe and Get Response are a couple of autoresponder service providers you might want to check out and compare. So you need: A Country Email List starving crowd, people that want something and are willing to pay money to get the solution To have a solution ready, or at least find affiliate products that give them that solution To have Country Email List a website with the opt in form, or the squeeze page.
where you can actually Country Email List get people to join your list An autoresponder. That is a bit of software that gets people on your list and manages all the mailings. I am going to show you in this course how you find and get Country Email List each of these four things and how you set everything up. Let us spend a little bit of time though, quickly on this element of an autoresponder Country Email List and explore exactly what an autoresponder is and what it does. I am sure you have seen on websites these squeeze pages.
They have a little box here that says, put in your name. They have a little box here that says, put in your email. Then they have a Country Email List little Go button to send your information off and in return you often get a bonus. You click on that and you are put on that list. What Country Email List happens when you do this is you are joining an autoresponder. When you have your Country Email List own list set up you are going to see that you need an autoresponder that works behind the scenes.